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Appraising Machinery & Equipment.
~ Darrell Thorvaldson, AACI 
Case Study:  Support in Settlement of a Class Action 

An assignment undertaken by Glen Power AACI involved representing a client named in a class action suit associated with stigmatization of property due to proximate environmental contamination. The solution involved a detailed analysis of more than twenty properties, and recommendations in provision of a consistent approach allowing for compensation aimed at settling the dispute. Implementation of the proposed compensation approach resulted in successful settlement of the suit, therefore avoiding a lengthy and costly  trial.    

An assignment undertaken by Glen Power AACI involved development of a valuation analysis that was entered as key evidence in the Supreme Court of Newfoundland & Labrador trial involving an assessment appeal of a large special-purpose property. The decision made by the court concurred with Mr. Power's assessment of highest & best use and related value. The case has since been used as a precedent accross Canada in similar situations involving the assessment of special purpose properties. 

Case Study:  Expert Witness in Precedent Setting Tax Appeal 
Case Study:  Market Study for Rezoning & Redevelopment

An assignment undertaken by Glen Power involved a 70-acre, centre-city property extensively developed with a variety of 1940's era buildings.  The owner required a market analysis to determine an optimal land-use mix associated with redevelopment of the asset over a 5-10 year build-out. Our analysis provided a general direction employed in rezoning of the property, and development of a master plan for redevelopment purposes.  

Case Study:  Redevelopment Valuation of a Military Barracks

An assignment undertaken by Darrell Thorvaldson AACI involved valuation of the  160 acre site known as the Kapyong Barracks Property in Winnipeg, Manitoba.  The demolition of all existing building improvements were costed, and an extensive market analysis was completed on Winnipeg’s housing, office, industrial and retail sectors. An extensive Highest and Best Use analysis identified key elements of this redevelopment land and led the report’s comprehensive analysis and well supported value conclusion. 

An assignment undertaken by Darrell Thorvaldson AACI involved valuation of 20 industrial properties across Manitoba, with each site having unique physical, functional and locational characteristics.  Individual market area identification and analysis formed the foundation of the report with some having a rural perspective.  Qualitative and quantitative analytical tools were used to present fulsome and credible value conclusions.

Case Study:  Industrial Property Portfolio Valuation
Case Study:  Review of Assets for Overvaluation 

A recent assignment undertaken by Thomas Fox AACI involved assisting a client with a review of assets in a large market where their internal systems assessed a real concern with overvaluation and potential fraud.  Assistance included valuation of real estate assets, consultation on action to take to minimum risk/loss.

An assignment undertaken by Darrell Thorvaldson AACI involved valuation of publically owned land that was identified as a taking for the construction of a major thoroughfare in the northwest quadrant of the City of Winnipeg.  Both parties reviewed the analysis and conclusions report, including our determination of damages and injurious affection, and the matter has now been settled without any need for arbitration or costly legal proceedings.

Case Study:  Partial Taking Appraisal Assignment
Case Study:  Determination of Value Loss 

A recent assignment undertaken by Thomas Fox AACI involved assisting a client in determining value loss due to a municipal enforcement of minimum setback requirements. The client acquired the property from the builder that constructed the improvements, which did not meet the minimum requirements.  

An assignment undertaken by Darrell Thorvaldson AACI involved a market survey and analysis of the Class A and Class B office market in the City of Winnipeg for the 120,000 sq.ft. office lease requirements of a level of government.  The analysis included a feasibility analysis of a new building construction along with a survey of suitable locations throughout the CMA.  The report provided an objective review and assisted in the 2017 final leasing decision.

Case Study:  Downtown and Suburban Office Analysis

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